Cat proofing!

One of the best things I have done for Emma since her diagnosis is to cat proof the garden. It’s so important to keep her in an area she safe because of her deteriorating road skills and the fact she could easily get lost nowadays. She has been able to maintain a good quality of life by keeping her freedom. It is very trial and error getting it right, but worth it in the long run. As long as your fence is high enough you should be able to cat proof it (although if you rent your property I would gain your landlords permission first!). We got the mesh for £5 and used 3 rolls. Other people I know have used pheasant wire or even chicken wire. You need something to hold it up with- we used plastic plant sticks (costing £3 for a bundle of 4, and used 3 packs) that we bent into an L shape. You can get more sturdy right angled brackets from places like B&Q or ikea. Ideally you they would made of wood. If you can’t find wood ones the you will need to do what we did and tie the mesh onto the holder! Lastly you need a staple gun to attach the holder and mesh onto the fence. We also used the same mesh to cover any little escape holes she made for herself. Most importantly, you must have a pad lock on the inside of any gates, so people can’t enter and let kitty out.

You can also put cat flaps through almost anything! We had one put in our french doors but you can also put a cat flap though a wall (surprisingly, this is the cheaper option!).